Finally recovered from the total system meltdown last week.
Thank god for bootable Linux CDs and geek friends who love to help!
Anyways, all work from last week was lost.. I should back up more often than once a month I guess!
Had to restart on my remix of Voidloss' 'Actaeon'.. Since I had to do a reinstall of whole system I only used the Cubase 5 built in instruments so it ain't gonna be sounding like a tapdancing mecha spider on ice anymore! I am taking it in a 90s minimal direction now. Was inspired by that Robert Hood video interview - "it's all about the rhythm". I am buying a straw hat to wear for my studio sessions, I am sure that will help my grooveless white ass!
In other news I am going to Copenhagen this coming weekend to make some music with my friend and excellent Danish DnB producer Pyro! The fact that Ben Klock and Shed are playing there the very same weekend doesn't make it any worse at all! Holla.
Today's listening is: Harmonic 313 - When Machines Exceed Human Intelligence

Very fitting album title for my current situation...!
Almost a year old now but I recently discovered it thanks to my beloved The Nursery. Since I have an untrained ear for this kind of music I won't go into pigeonholing, but supposedly it is new school hiphop with Detroit techno/house influences.
Anyways, some very enjoyable beats on here. Rap is the most overrated thing in hiphop!